Ikhtilāf exists to help those who have entered Islam through educational and social means connecting one another to build a supportive community.

The word ikhtilāf is of Arabic origin and possesses a variety of meanings, one of which means difference.

The word is seen in many verses of the Holy Quran such as the chapter Al-Rum, verse 22:

وَمِن آياتِهِ خَلقُ السَّماواتِ وَالأَرضِ وَاختِلافُ أَلسِنَتِكُم وَأَلوانِكُم

{And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the difference in your languages and colours}

Furthermore, ikhtilāf is commonly used as a legal term by Muslim scholars who understood the permissibility of differing with other scholars especially in the field of fiqh (Islamic law).

Despite the fact that not all differences are regarded as valid by such scholars there still remains within the Islamic tradition the principle of ikhtilāf, where we maintain a level of respect towards fellow Muslims regardless of whether you agree with their opinions.

Ikhtilāf looks to echo this sentiment by assisting those who have entered Islam from all cultural backgrounds with an attitude of understanding our differences and welcoming those at various stages of their deen (faith).

Ultimately the goal of embracing such differences is to help unify our community in order to learn from one another and strengthen our faith in Islam.